Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall Family Pictures

A few family pictures from this past weekend...

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Zack is 11 Months Old!

Zack is 11 months old today!
He is growing more and more each day!
This past month has been busy for Zack,
he is finally sleeping through the night(hooray!!) and only has one long afternoon nap a day,

he got 2 new teeth...

learned how to walk...
weened himself and now drinks from a bottle or sippy cup...

What a busy month for Zack! It's hard to believe in one short month our baby will be one!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Zack's First Steps

Since the last few posts have been all about Jakob and Levi, Zack figured it was his turn to shine!
Zack actually took his "first" steps on August 25th, but I didn't have the camera handy when it happened and I tried several times since, but then he's more interested in grabbing the camera than walking. So finally yesterday I got a good couple of shots of him actually walking! He is still very wobbly and only takes 5- 10 steps at a time. Zack is really proud of himself whenever he does take a few steps and loves the attention we give him when he does!!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Levi's First Day of Preschool

Levi could not wait for his first day of school! He was so excited to see all his friends and teachers. He started a couple days after Jakob, so he had a countdown going of how many days left until he could go to school.
He had a really great first day and is looking forward to an awesome year!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Jakob's First Day of School

Jakob just started his first day of Grade 2!! He was really excited and loved his first day back to school. He missed his friends and was so happy to get to see them and play with them. His teacher seems nice, so hopefully he has a great year in grade 2!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Our New Fish

On Sunday our tank had been ready for the required 24 hours so Jakob, Levi and Michael went to the fish store to get our first fish. We were told that we had to get special fish that would be able to survive in the water as the "bacterial cycle" isn't yet set up.

First we had to put the bag in the water to get the water temperature to equalize. This took about 30 minutes.

Then it was time to let them out into their new home. Off they go exploring the rocks and fake plants.

Jakob and Levi love to watch the fish swim around and have already named two of them. One is called "Lost" because he almost immediately broke away from the rest and got lost in the back of the tank and couldn't find his way back. The other fish is "Bossy" because he chases all the other fish around, nipping at their tails.

Here are 4 of our 5 Serpae Tetra fish. After about 3 weeks we will go and get our water tested at the fish store to make sure its ready for more exotic fish. The boys will then be able to pick whatever they want.