Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Smores in the Backyard

Last night we made a fire and had smores in the backyard. Even though it wasn't cold, you can tell fall is here!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Levi's Morning Out

Jordan & Kristy babysat Levi one morning last week. They had a great time at the shop driving the front end loader, going to Tim Horton's and playing in the park. When it was time for Levi to come home, he cried, he didn't want to leave his fun babysitters!! He was having too much fun! Thanks Uncle Jordan & Auntie Kristy!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just like Daddy

The other day, Levi asked me to do his hair "just like Daddy", so that means spiky. He was very proud of his new hair do, but most of all he loved that his hair was just like Daddy's.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Oilers game

thanks for the tix Uncle Jordan and Auntie Kristy. 5th row ain't bad!

-- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Violin Lesson

Jakob had his first violin lesson yesterday! He was very excited to go and came home so excited to show me all he had learned! Michael didn't take any pictures at his actual lesson, but when he got home, I had to take some of the first time violin player!

Michael and Jakob playing together.

Of course, Levi had to have his turn too. He's not taking actual lessons yet, but I'm guessing that it won't be long before he wants to play too!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sleeping Beauty

Levi has been rejecting his naps lately, but he still really could use one. This is a common event in our house lately, Levi asleep on the couch! He looks so cute, he tried so hard to stay awake!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Boys' Room

The boys moved into a room together this past week. They are slowly adjusting to sleeping in the same room. Some nights it takes them awhile to settle down, but so far they are excited to be sharing a room.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Weekend at the Lake

We spent this past long weekend at the lake. We had a relaxing time, hanging out and having fun!2 silly little faces!

Jakob got a remote control boat for his birthday, here he is driving it. The boys loved watching it sail across the lake.

The kids found snails under some rocks, so then they started collecting snails. By the end of the weekend they had a huge pail full of them. (That yellow pail was just to transfer them to the huge red pail)

Playing with friends.

Levi had this whistle that he thought was pretty cool, he walked around blowing it all day on Sunday.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Jakob's First Day of Grade One!

Jakob was so excited for his first day of Grade one! He wasn't nervous or scared at all! He knew the school already and who was going to be in his class. He walked into school like a pro. What a big boy!

So proud of his new Lego bag!
Jakob at his desk, with his new school supplies and bag of goodies from the school.

A German tradition is to give the kids a "schultute" on the first day of Grade one. It's filled with candy, toys and school supplies. This picture is the principal presenting each grade one with their schultute.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009